Eric S. Brown

About Eric S. Brown

Eric S. Brown lives in North Carolina with his wife and son. He has been called “The King of the Zombies” by places like Dread Central and was featured in the book Zombie CSU: The Forensics of the Living Dead as an expert on the genre. His novel, The War of the Worlds Plus Blood Guts and Zombies, co-written with H.G. Wells, was picked up by Simon and Schuster and is slated for a new release in the not too distant future. Some of his other books include Space Stations and Graveyards, Dying Days, Portals of Terror, Madmen’s Dreams, Cobble, The Queen, The Wave, Waking Nightmares, Unabridged Unabashed and Undead: The Best of Eric S Brown, Barren Earth, Season of Rot, World War of the Dead, Zombies II: Inhuman, and Tandem of Terror. He was the editor of the anthology Wolves of War from Library of Horror Press. Some of his upcoming titles include How the West Went to Hell, The Human Experiment, Anti-Heroes (with David Dunwoody), The Weaponer, and Kinberra Down. His short fiction has been published hundreds of times. Some of his anthology appearances include Dead Worlds I,II, III, and V, The Blackest Death I & II, The Undead I & II, Dead History, Dead Science, Zombology I & II, The Zombist, and the upcoming Gentlemen of Horror 2010 to name only a few. He also writes an ongoing column on the world of comic books for Abandoned Towers magazine (which recently won the Preditors and Editors’ Award for Best Nonfiction in 2009). Eric is also part of the giant collaborative zombie novel effort from Pill Hill Press entitled, Undead, Kansas.

Books by Eric S. Brown