Gabino Iglesias

About Gabino Iglesias

Gabino Iglesias was born somewhere, but then moved to a different place. He has worked as dog whisperer, witty communications professor, and ballerina assassin. Now he hides near a dumpster in Austin, Texas, where he works as a freelance journalist and impersonates a PhD student. His nonfiction has appeared in places like The New York Times, Z Magazine, El Nuevo Día, and others. The stuff that’s made up has been published in places like Red Fez, Flash Fiction Offensive, Drunk Monkeys, Bizarro Central, Paragraph Line, Divergent Magazine, Cease, Cows, and a few horror, surrealist, and bizarro anthologies. When not writing or fighting ninja squirrels, he devours books and spits out reviews that are published in places like Verbicide, The Rumpus, Word Riot, Heavy Feather Review, The Lazy Fascist Review, Bookslut, Electric Literature, Atticus Review, Entropy, HorrorTalk, Necessary Fiction, The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction, Out of the Gutter, Spinetingler Magazine, Buzzy Mag, and a few other print and online venues. He’s currently working on overcoming his crippling hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia.

Books by Gabino Iglesias