Matt P. Norman is a novelist by night, a sterile technician by day, and a family man all other times. While his debut novel is zombie/post-apocalyptic, he hopes to deviate into other areas in the sci-fi and fantasy realms. Matt is currently writing other novels: a dark urban YA fiction and an edgy, even grittier adult novel, and the follow-up to Road Trip Z. You can find him on Twitter, Goodreads and his website, reviewing movies, TV shows and writing geeky fandom news, too.
It is the beginning of an exciting chapter in Matt’s new career. He doesn’t want to stop writing, and if you find him writing, then give him a wide berth (but at the same time, say ‘hello’), he won’t bite (he promises), unlike the Zs in his first novel, Road Trip Z.
Originally from Suffolk, England, he currently lives in Christchurch on the shores of the South Island of New Zealand with a wonderful family and two very stupid cats. He is currently not represented by a literary agency.