Allison Tread has fought to protect others all her life even before she joined the fight in Afghanistan. When returning to civilian life begins to tear her apart, she finds her calling again in fighting against poachers in Tanzania, Africa with her team of ex-military and former mercenaries. In one way she finds peace, but in another she awakens old, violent monsters that have been buried inside her for a long time. An ancient monster with an old, burning hatred for man awakens and returns to the surface for vengeance. Allison and her team must find a way to stop a creature that cannot be stopped. As she battles her personal monsters, she must defeat a very real threat from a very real beast. While doing so, she’ll have to battle poachers, warlord militias, dangerous superstitions, and other dark threats. Some battles and some monsters may prove too much to defeat, but everyone’s lives may hang in the balance, if she fails. 

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