March 16th, 1982, a day that Donny has been waiting and planning for. Launch Day for Pac-Man on the Atari 2600. But an early start, endless queuing and a mad dash comes to nothing when bully Brian, who has been after Donny for years, steels his copy in the store. In an effort to cheer Donny up, his older sister, Amanda, takes him and his newfound compadre, Kevin, to an odd little shop downtown where the shop keep rents them an Atari game called Quest–and it is like nothing the three of them have seen before. They become sensually immersed in the world of Quintarria with the shop keep’s 3D controller contraption hooked to Donny’s Atari, and in this world, Donny, Amanda, and Kevin must defeat the evil overlord Serranti and bring peace to the land for the Elves, freeing them from the oppression of the dark Elves. While they race to finish the game, Brian and his cohorts try to keep the unlikely trio from finishing the game’s quest to free the Elves of Quintarria. Donny must not only save Quintarria and Earth, but find a way to stop Brian’s ongoing torment.

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